Dandelion Days.

Some of my best memories of childhood are walking around picking dandelions as you go adventure outside just knowing it’s going to be the best day.

Spending a whole day outside getting dirty, swimming and being with family are my fondest memories and it’s what I strive for my children’s childhood.

Especially now.

So when my 4-year-old son came up to me while we were playing in the backyard after I was home from a long day at work and handed me a handpicked dandelion just for me I was so happy.

And then when my 2-year-old daughter followed suit and soon I was blessed with a bouquet of dandelions my heart burst.

So of course we had to make a wish on some of our dandelions, pick them apart and keep a couple as well.

As the days are becoming warmer and Summer finally is almost upon us I strive for dirt filled finger and toenails, chasing butterflies, bug hunting, riding bikes for hours, a day full of swimming.

There’s something so magical about a young learning mind. Creating fond memories for them that they will think back on when they are older just like me reminiscing on a dandelion.

So next time you see a dandelion, I hope you don’t get annoyed about the weed in your perfectly green lawn and think of it instead of happier Summer days spent soaking in the warmth that the world has to offer.

Peel apart the petals, make a wish and a perfect time to make some memories with your littles because it’s ones they will always remember.

It’s a gift.

To The First Time Preschool Mama.

I’m struggling with the fact that I have a preschooler.

Where did the time go?

You were just a little rolly polly baby asleep in my arms yesterday, I swear.

Time is such a thief.

Even at a young age, you try to give your child all the tools they will need to succeed in any new adventure in life.

When the time comes to use the tools though, it’s both exciting and scary.

I feel like a tiny part of your innosence will be chipped away as we enter school age, even if it is preschool.

Yet, I want you to flourish and meet new friends and learn all you can at the same time.

Bring me home all the fun crafts you do each day to display, I hope I see a big smile at the end of each day and hear nothing but re-telling of fun things that happened while you were at school.

I know drop off’s will be hard and pick up’s will be exciting and it’s all apart of growing up for both you and me.

I swear, being a mom is the biggest emotional rollercoaster there is.

But just know mama’s, your baby will be fine.

I’m here to convince both you and myself.

Trust the teacher’s.

Trust that you raised a brave, smart and fun little one who will be nothing but great and kind.

And know it’s ok to cry, just hold it in until after drop off as to not scare them.

Know that they are ready, they have all the tool’s you’ve given them.

I know the hardest part will be getting yourself ready though.

I know how hard it is to let them grow, and even harder to let them go just a tiny bit.

Let’s get through the first week of preschool together mama’s!

We’ve got this and know as always, we are in this together.


A preschool mama.

Summer Bucket List Ideas For You & The Kids!

Warmer weather is finally here!!

There is just something about Summertime with your kids.

The days are longer and you just feel a sense of freedom for them and yourself. No more cold cooped up days.

Making the most of Summer matters so much for us moms. Anyone else feel the same?

It’s just such a great time to make special memories and just slow down. Soak it all in, take a breath of fresh air.

I feel like moods are lifted everywhere.

The sunshine and warmth just does wonders for everyone.

I thought it would be fun to come up with a bucket list for my family to check off this Summer.

Beach day

Fair Day

Zoo Day

Exploring your town

Slushy run

Summer sports

Park day and picnic

Long naps



Outdoor movies

S’mores by the fire

Splash pad

Long walk


Baseball game

Outdoor concert

Ride bikes

Boat ride

Wilderness exploring

Watch a sunset and sunrise

Painting outside

Firework shows

Summer parades

Star gazing

Road trips

Putt putt


Ice cream date

Lemonade stand

Make our own popsicles

Water gun/ water balloon fight

Dance in the rain

Read in a hammock

I am just so excited for Summer with the kids and my husband! Definitely checking off as much as I can on the Summer bucket list and adding as we go!

What’s on your bucket list this Summer?

Any exciting plans?

Get outside as much as you can and just enjoy every moment.

Slow down, take it all in and soak it all up 🙂

Enjoy those dirty little barefoot feet running around.

6 Ways To Help Change Your Mindset.

Happy and successful life.

Isn’t that what we all strive for?

I think if you asked anyone though, they would all have something different to say about what happiness and success means to them.

For me? Happiness is a slow Saturday morning with my family. Breakfast, coffee with my husband and a morning routine that went as smooth as a babies bottom. Success would be living simply but being able to provide for my family everything they need and be able to give as much as I can to those in need.

Everyday life though, It can defiantly take a toll on how your mind perceives things. One thing I don’t like is negative thoughts! I like a clear, free, happy mindset and it’s defiantly hard to accomplish but it’s one thing I take pride in having.

I try to do little tasks that help get me there and I am even trying to incorporate new ones this year to help keep my mindset positive even more. I am here to share with you 6 ways to help change your daily mindset to be your best self each day.

Positive Morning Routine.

I am starting off with one I am still working on. Mainly I am just not a morning person. I have found though that your morning really does set the tone for the whole day.

Create a relaxing morning routine that helps bring positivity to those early wake up’s. Make your favorite breakfast, sip your coffee slowly. Plan out your day.

Or even make this into your evening routine if you need to.

Do A Weekly Or Daily Brain Dump.

These help so much. Get out your favorite notebook and write down all your thoughts or things you need to do or want to do. Sometimes my mind gets so boggled with ideas and I love putting pen to paper and jotting them all down.

It does not have to be pretty, it’s just a way to help you get things off your mind and put into perspective what you want to accomplish. I love brain dumps.

Get Outside.

Need to clear your mind? I always say the best way to do it is to get outside. Fresh air is just so good for you.

I love a long walk to help alleviate stress or negative thoughts.

I love getting outside and playing with my kids, it feels freeing for myself and for them I am sure. Fresh air is a wonderful cure of a mindset that needs some clearing.

Less Is More.

Another work in progress for me is decluttering. I never realized what a toll clutter can take on you.

It creates so much stress, always having to pick up things or move things or organize things. It takes up so much time and energy.

I am going through one room in the house whenever I get the chance and it has felt so freeing creating a less is more atmosphere in my home.

Find A Hobby You Enjoy.

This is a big one. I love hobby’s. They are such an outlet to a more positive mind.

Find something you enjoy doing and use it as a way to be happy.

I love reading, writing and doing fun DIY crafts with my kids. They make me happy and I always feel better after finishing a good book, writing up a storm or making something fun with my kids.

Find something you love.

Erase The Negativity.

Remove negative things from your life. It may be hard sometimes but it’s worth it.

Listen to positive Podcasts, life yourself up with encouraging words.

Give yourself the strength to end the negativity and bring only positive into your life.

I think this is something we could all work on as human beings in general.

Your mindset is so important and I hope this has helped you find something to help make you happy!

If you have your own ways to stay positive and keep the joy flowing in your life please share them below with us all!

I wish someone would have told me..

Do you ever remember the rejection you felt when you were younger and someone didn’t want to play with you or sit with you or even just talk to you?

It was the worst getting your feelings hurt or feeling left out at recess or not having a partner for a fun activity.

I think about that way more often now that I have children.

I wish someone would have told me to make sure you play with them whenever you are asked. That advice is actually worth getting.

When I’m busy and feel like I have so much to do and a little voice comes up behind me and says “mommy, will you play with me?”

A far too usual reply ends up being “in a minute, let me just finish this really quick”

Sometimes do you even look behind you at the little face so eagerly waiting for you to be done when you are busy with your tasks? I’ll be honest, not always.

I feel like we think because they are so little, they won’t understand. But trust me, they do.

A bad day or a sad day could easily be cured by simply sitting down on the floor with your children.

Let them take the wheel, trust me their imaginations are enough to sweep you up into their worlds.

Sit on the ground and be present.

Let them bring you things, let them dance around you and zoom across the living room.

The laundry can wait to be folded and put away.

The dishes can stay dirty for a little while longer.

The floors don’t need to be swept right this minute.

The housework never goes anywhere, but these little moments with your children do.

Give them your attention.

Let them make you laugh and be silly.

You need it just as much as they need it.

My favorite is when my son tells me he had the best day ever with me when all we did was play for a little while or went out and about as a family.

So the next time you hear that little voice come up behind you asking you to play or to talk or to sit with them.

Make sure you do.

Play with them, it matters more than you know.

Dear Coaches Wife. An Open Letter To You.

Dear Coaches Wife,

I see you.

What a lonely but rewarding title it is to be a coaches wife.

The other day I got really frustrated. In all dramatic glory, sometimes it feels like the game is a mistress.

There will be days when the only proof of your husbands existence in your house will be his things scattered about.

There will be weekends alone with the kids when there’s a tournament and two days a week where your dinners will be late because of practice.

Sometimes you will be far down in the priority list.

It’s definitely a complex relationship with the game. It’s a love/hate relationship.

But in all the negative, there’s also so much positive.

The nights when it’s you two alone and all he needs is a listening ear.

The pride you feel when you watch him doing what he’s truly passionate about.

The way those kids look up to him.

The people you meet along the way, the friendships made and the feeling of a different type of “family” with the team.

The way family time is so much more special when you have the time together.

The trust built up in your relationship.

Knowing you are strong enough to handle it all. The housework, the kids.

God made you a coaches wife for a reason.

No matter how alone or the sacrifices being made, know it’s to make his dreams come true.

To help those kids learn the best they can.

Know that you are a coaches wife and you should be proud.

So the next time you see a coaches wife, probably standing off to the side or in the middle of the parents on the bench, give them a smile.

It’s a tough title and it’s needed more than you know.


A travel hockey coaches wife.

How To Harness Your Unique Feminine Qualities In The Workplace

While men undoubtedly have communication challenges at work, there are common themes for women that often lead us to feel disempowered, ignored or struggling to fulfil our potential. Some worry about being ‘too passionate’ or overemotional, while others don’t feel confident to speak up in a male-dominated environment. What is often overlooked is that as women, we have incredible natural qualities when it comes to communication. One thing’s for sure ladies – you don’t need to act like a man to succeed at work. You have all the tools you need to fulfil your potential already. Here are three examples…

Rapport building

Women have an advantage when it comes to building rapport – making others feel important and feel heard. It’s not just asking questions and showing interest, we also do this by keeping eye contact, often using a relaxed, softer gaze, and with nods and smiles. In general, we have far more capacity for inviting others to feel relaxed.

Top tip:

Asking questions is a great way to take back control of the conversation in a calm and grounded way. It maintains rapport, even encourages it, and yet puts you back in the driving seat. State your idea with conviction and then conclude your idea with invitations. “What do you think?” “Do you think this could work?” “What’s your take on it?” Inviting others to contribute their own original thinking after you state your idea will empower others and ensure that they feel valued. Be sure to avoid disclaimers – more on that here.


Empathy is perhaps one of the most effective communication resources at anyone’s disposal. And women do tend to have a more natural capacity for empathy than men. Particularly when leading a team, empathy is invaluable. It means women are more inclined to perceive and tune into issues people are facing, so they can deal with problems before they get out of hand. Their empathy also creates a sense of safety within a team, so that colleagues are more empowered to take risks and express greater creativity. The value of this cannot be overstated. Read our blog on why honest and open communication is getting respect at work.

Top tip:

Be aware that we tend to prioritise being liked, and therefore in an attempt to empathise, we become reluctant to offer feedback that could be interpreted as harsh, or to give a direct order when one is needed. Most of the time, empathy will work in our favour, but there are times when we will need to express ourselves in other ways. To show authority and certainty, make sure you use downward inflection – this is when you let your voice go down at the end of your sentence. It’s important to ensure the tone of your voice matches the situation you are in.

Reading cues

It’s been scientifically proven that women exhibit higher sensitivity to nonverbal cues. We are usually more attuned to how our behaviour affects others and this sensitivity allows us to respond more effectively to a situation. We have learnt to talk in ways that balance our own needs with those of others, to save face for one another.

Top tip:

Sometimes something needs to be said that causes conflict – and sometimes that conflict is helpful and necessary. If you struggle with being assertive, read this blog for some top tips.

So there you have it, a few examples of our tremendous natural qualities and why it’s important to capitalise on these skills and learn how to amplify them in the workplace. You don’t need to dominate to have impact. Of course, there are men that will identify more with female characteristics and vice-versa, but all are important, and all need to be valued. When your communication starts becoming more powerful, you’ll find that your team members benefit from their contribution, and other women will be encouraged to be more authentic and powerful too.

At London Speech Workshop we empower our clients to be confident, clear and impactful communicators. We help people remove barriers that get in their way due to their communication. They might want to get a promotion, be more respected in their work, have more authority or gravitas, increase in confidence at work and in personal life. Or they may have trouble delivering presentations and speeches, dealing with nerves, connecting with others, building rapport, getting their point across or being articulate. If you’d like to find out more about what we do, book a free 15-minute Discovery Call to discuss your goals and challenges with our Client Success team.

Author: Hannah is the Marketing Executive at London Speech Workshop, an industry-leading communication training and coaching institute. The proven Serlin MethodTM uses a combination of modern psychology, performance technique and memorable tools, empowering people to be the best communicators they can be.

Five Valentine’s Day Family Ideas.

Although you still have your occasional date nights, Valentines Day sure does change once you become a parent.

The best part though? It’s still so much fun, but instead of romantic quiet dinners as a couple, it can become a loud family date night.

I’m here to give some great ideas to celebrate Valentines Day as a family. It is after all, a day full of love and what better way to spend it than with ALL the people you love the most?

Let’s check out some fun ideas for the family below 👇

Ice skating/ roller skating night out.

How fun does this sound? Ice skating is such a fun winter activity in general but I feel like it, along with roller skating if that’s what you prefer could be such a fun Valentines family date. I wish my kids were just a bit older so we could do this as a family this year!

Family game night.

These are always my favorite type of nights. Game nights are so fun for any type of night but it would be a great Valentines Day family date! Order a heart shaped pizza to go with it and you’re all set.

Movie night in or movie at the theatre.

There are finally good movies coming out again and movie nights are such a great classic family night idea.

A trip to the bookstore.

Grab a hot chocolate, a heart shaped treat and hit the book store! Pick out a good book and have a cozy family reading night.

Family karaoke night.

Along with game night, I think karaoke is so much fun even if I do have a terrible voice. Get creative and have fun! I’m sure the kids will love it as much as you do.

There is so much you can do to have a great Valentine’s Day while including the kiddo’s.

I hope some of these ideas helped you out and as always, thanks for reading!

Quilted Gifts: What Makes Patchwork Patterns a Highly Popular Gift Item?

Did you get an invitation for the marriage anniversary of your dearest friend? Then, you must present something special to that person. Isn’t it? If you are bored of the old fashion of presenting showpiece, jeweler, and all; then it is high time to switch on to something different. How the idea of quilts comprising patchwork patterns will be? Want to know the specialty? Here it is.


Few Words About Patchwork Patterns


Patchwork, as clear from the name, refers to a technique that includes sewing several small fabrics to create large geometric designs. It includesmixed patterns, textures, and colors that make up an exceptional piece. Traditionally, a wide number of needlework was required to developincomparable patchwork patterns for quilts. However, in today’s time, such quilting patterns have become a highly popular technique in theclothing industry.


When coming up with an exclusively stitched quilt, the patchwork is the topmost layer, and the batting and backing form the middle as well as bottom layers, respectively. Either a machine or hand is used for stitching the outline. Finally, an exclusively designed quilt serves to be the product ready to be sold and used. 


What Does The Pattern Of Patchwork Include?


Whenever it comes to patterns, you must be wondering about the specialty, isn’t it? Regarding the pattern of patchwork; it can be either of the two things:

• Decorative design

• Flat template

In the case of decorative design, the design repeats over a fabric multiple time. Conversely, the flat template refers to pattern pieces that are joined all together. At the time of calculating the fabric for patchwork patterns, the tailor traces the fabric as required and cuts pieces of cloth to come up with a final fabric. 

Benefits of Using Patchwork Pattern Quilts


Quits comprising exclusively designed patchwork patterns comprise a wide range of benefits. Firstly, they provide a high rate of warmness that serves the dire need, especially during winter. With a wide range of sizes available, you will be able to make a choice that offers highly relaxed sleep. The frills and laces help enhance the luxury statement of such exclusively manufactured quilts. 


Such exclusively stitched quilts are preferred in homes. Bing available for both single and double beds, you will be able to go with the most required choice. As the stitching takes place using fabrics comprising variable colors, they will undoubtedly enlighten the room. The unique pattern created reflects a blend of artistic and contemporary design.

Where Do You Buy Patchwork Patterns From?


Are you impressed by the specialty associated with a patchwork pattern? If yes, it is high time to browse through the variety of quilts comprising patchwork patterns with traditional touch. You may start by browsing the famous online shops for such exclusive quality quilts. Making the right choice will be no more difficult with a plethora of choices available. 


One of the greatest facilities associated with shopping from e-shops is that you will come across a detailed description of items. This will help in easy comparison followed by shortlisting of the items that fit your choice and budget. Also, you may carry on with your shopping any time of the day as these shops remain operative round the clock. 


Final Words


Quilts comprising exclusive quality patchwork patterns will undoubtedlybe among the greatest gift items. You may expect the receiver to appreciate the gift at its best. There will be pillow covers included that will make it a complete set for the bed in some cases. 

Thank you so much to Alyssa at My Aussie Hub for guest posting! Check out her blog or follow her on Twitter as well for more of her writing!

5 Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage.

The other night my husband and I went out to dinner for the first time since we’ve had our newborn baby girl.

I was so excited about it. Like butterflies in my stomach excited. I navigated doing my hair and makeup between taking care of our newborn and our toddler and even the tantrums and the cries couldn’t put a damper on my mood.

I was going on a date with my husband, I was getting out of the house, I was wearing actual jeans, a crisp glass of wine was calling my name.

It was a wonderful night. A fall in love all over again type of night we desperately needed since becoming parents once again.

Life just gets so busy and that’s when I realized, we need to prioritize our marriage.

Between our children, working, his hockey coaching, sometimes “us” as an actual couple gets put on the back burner.

Who else can relate?

I’ve been constantly thinking of all the ways to prioritize our marriage and below is what I’ve come up with.

Set time aside for each other each day.

This goes in with the busyness I was talking about. Don’t put too much pressure on it but just make sure each day you have a little time for each other, even if it’s cooking dinner together or watching a show or just simply asking each other how their day went.

Respect each other.

Respect the wants and needs you feel for each other. Respect in general is just an important thing to have in any type of relationship but especially marriage. We all have different wants, needs, wishes and taking the time to listen, respect and prioritize them in your relationship is a wonderful thing.

Communication is key.

Does it even need an explanation? Communication is just #1. I can’t imagine my marriage without my husband wanting to share his thoughts with me. I can’t imagine him not wanting to talk things out with me. It’s just the #1 thing any relationship needs.

Date nights when able to.

Date nights out are so fun and definitely important. Like in the beginning, we just had our first date night since having our baby girl. Dinner was fantastic but after putting the kids to bed we sat in the living room with some wine and listened to our favorite songs we haven’t heard in forever and talked and laughed for hours.

So date nights out are great but don’t put pressure on it, you can have just as much one on one time at home as well!

Try to be interested in what each other likes.

I thought maybe this could relate to others as well. My husband and I have tons of the same interests but we also have tons of different ones as well. For instance, my love for writing and reading. Yet, he cheers me on and tells me to keep going with my blogging journey or will ask about the books I’m reading. He coaches travel hockey and it’s one of his biggest passions, so I go to as many games as I can and events and I love when he gives me play by plays of the games.

It helps us stay connected even when we are each doing separate things. Plus it’s always nice when someone wants to talk about something you enjoy!

With two kids now, I am definitely still figuring out this prioritizing thing! It’s a work in progress but I already know how important it is to keep a healthy marriage.

I hope these tips helped you! If you have more tips, please let us all know below. Thanks for reading!